Navigating the Path to Excellence

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Upcoming Events

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: New Accreditation Guidelines

8th Dec, 2023

(Upcoming Event)

GAEAB Annual Conference 2023
To Be Held In December

7th Sept, 2023

(Past Event)

GAEAB Board Of Directors
Meeting & Public Sessions

12th Feb, 2024

(Upcoming Event)

Webinar “Adapting Quality
Assurance For The Future

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Explore the latest updates, trends, and insights in the world of
accreditation and quality assurance.

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Past Events

Global Quality Assurance Webinar hosted by GAEAB

21st September, 2023

Virtual Accreditation Fair, Organized by GAEAB

5th May, 2023

Worldwide Educational Benchmarking Forum

17th March, 2023

Academic Research Webinar hosted by GAEAB

12 January, 2023